VAT Consultant

How to Select Your Regulated Tax Agent in UAE

Selecting the right regulated tax agent for your business depends on your needs and goals. If you are a new business, then any tax advisor would be enough. However, if you are starting a business in Dubai or anywhere in UAE then you need to follow FTA regulation. Regulated tax agents can help you with this. Trust only experts in handling your taxation situation. 

Also Read: Vat Guide For Startups In UAE

With that said, there’s a couple of factors for choosing a regulated tax agent in Dubai. Here is the correct way for you to select the professional that will be right for your specific requirements:

Know your Prospects

Unfortunately, there are many fraud tax preparers in UAE. It is therefore very important to research the tax preparers very thoroughly. Always ask for references and credentials of the professionals that you see yourself working with.  Check the reviews of other clients online and see if there are records of compliances against your prospective tax advisors. 

Prioritize Experience and Expertise

You need the experience and expertise of a professional tax agent for dealing with UAE tax. Although there are lot of smart tax advisors across the country, You need to prioritize the experience befor selecting one. Getting an experienced regulated tax agent on your side is a huge advantage to your business.

While there isn’t really a specific number of years that we are looking for, the vetting process you implement must provide an answer on the experience of professionals and how well they’ve handled common tax issues of previous clients. 

Look into Well-rounded Tax Advisors

Selecting the best-regulated tax agent in Dubai can become complicated when you want a specialist that is well-rounded. However, you will find that it’s worth it when you find one! Select a regulated tax agent in Dubai that can also help you plan your personal and business finances. You want a balanced approach applied to your retirement savings, business investments, and other key financial business and household issues. A well-rounded regulated tax agent in Dubai will prove to be a gem not only to your business but also your family and personal life over the years. 

Also Read: What Is The VAT Threshold And When Do You Need To Register For VAT?

Review the Fee Structure

Depending on your requirements, The tax agent in Dubai can charge you for the specific services that you acquire.The tax advisor can charge lump sum for the tax service. Howeever, There are experts who charge for hourly rate. There are also those that get a percentage of the assets. Regardless of this, be clear on fees prior to signing a service agreement for a clear and transparent fee structure.

Make no mistake – a regulated tax agent in Dubai is not only for uber rich individuals. Even if you are running a small business in Dubai, the expertise and experience of a tax advisor will be invaluable. As a matter of fact, they can be your secret to success!

If you want to know more about regulated tax agents (VAT specialist Dubai) in Dubai and how they can help, call us here in VAT Registration UAE!

How does VAT Registration UAE Structure its Fees?

We at VAT Registration UAE, prioritize the financial objectives of our clients. For that reason, our billing platform has always been based on value of services that we provide and not on the time we take. Our commitment and dedication is to achieve the financial success of our clients. Schedule an appointment with our team to access your requirements.

Is the information about businesses secure when hiring regulated tax agents in Dubai?

It is recommended for businesses to hire the trustable professionals to implement and adhere strict policies in securing their sensitive information. With our team, you can assure that your matters are handled by the experts. All your information will be kept in totaly encrypted environments and monitored through multiple security levels as we value your confidence and trust in us.