Value Added Tax

How to Check Validity of Tax Registration Number?

After getting successfully registered with the Federal Tax Authority in UAE, a TRN Tax registration number is issued. It is a distinctive recognition number allotted to each VAT-registered person or business in the UAE.  Registered businesses should mention the TRN number in the VAT invoices on their relevant supplies. A VAT-registered person can check the validation of his tax registration number (TRN verification or VAT verification) by visiting the Federal Tax Authority website portal.

Businesses or individuals can use the TRN to file their VAT returns.

– What is the Tax Registration Number (TRN) ?
The Tax Registration Number (TRN) is a number automatically issued to the company or individual after they register for VAT in Dubai. Businesses or individuals can use the TRN to file their VAT returns.

To Get Your TRN? Click Here

The validity of the tax registration number ensures that the business is a registered business. It also gives the businesses the opportunity to ask for credit on the input tax. With the TRN number, Consumers can cross-check whether the business is eligible to charge VAT on supplies or not.

Invoice, bill, or receipt generated by the merchant to make a purchase must contain the TRN as well as the name and address of the business.

Also Read: VAT Registration For Free Zone Companies In UAE

TRN Verification UAE – Steps to Check if a TRN is Valid or not.

Step#1: Visit the Official Portal of the Federal Tax Authority.

Login to the website with the credentials,(Click here to register a new account in case if you don’t have an account)

Step#2: Seek the ‘TRN Verification’ option present in the top menu.

Step#3: Type the Tax Registration Number that you Want to Verify.

Punch the captcha and then single-click on the validate button.

if the TRN number is invalid, you will be shown a message “Tax registration number does not exist in the system“. Otherwise, it will display the name and VAT number of that specific business (in both in English and Arabic languages).

It is very critical to check the validity of the Tax Registration Number for businesses to ensure the validity of suppliers while submitting their VAT returns.

Anybody can use this as a tool to make sure that they are paying tax only on chargeable provisions and only to VAT-registered businesses in the UAE. Both registered and unregistered personas can utilize this tool.

There are certain businesses with fake tax registration numbers in UAE. So make sure to check and validate the TRN (VAT verification) available on the invoice/bill to ensure not to pay unethical VAT. As a customer, make sure to confirm the vat mentioned in each bill by checking their TRN number.

For more info: VAT Registration UAE